Classifying celestial objects with ML

1 minute read

The aim of this notebook is the classification of observations of astronomical objects in three different categories: stars, galaxies, quasars. To do so I use data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Classification.

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The data

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a project that periodically provides data from space imaging free to the public. This project specifically uses data from the RD14 data release.

For this purpose a special 2.5 m diameter telescope was built at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, USA. The telescope uses a camera of 30 CCD-Chips with 2048x2048 image points each. The chips are ordered in 5 rows with 6 chips in each row. Each row observes the space through different optical filters (u, g, r, i, z) at wavelengths of approximately 354, 476, 628, 769, 925 nm.

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The dataset contains the following features:

Object identity and position

  • objid = Object Identifier
  • ra = J2000 Right Ascension (r-band)
  • dec = J2000 Declination (r-band)


  • u = better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
  • g = better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
  • r = better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
  • i = better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
  • z = better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit

Acquisition metadata

  • run = Run Number
  • rereun = Rerun Number
  • camcol = Camera column
  • field = Field number

Object info

  • specobjid = Object Identifier
  • class = object class (galaxy, star or quasar object)
  • redshift = Final Redshift
  • plate = plate number
  • mjd = MJD of observation
  • fiberid = fiber ID

Some features are removed as they consist of unique identifiers or are irrelevant to the identification of astronomical objects: objid, specobjid,fiberid,mjd,plate, rerun, run

The following color channels are also removed, as they are highly correlated with each other and another channel: r, i, z

Training and optimizing the model

The algorithm chosen for the classification task is XGBoost Classifier. Algorythm optimization is achieved with a gridsearch and the parameters of the best performing model are: {'gamma': 1, 'learning_rate': 0.05, 'max_depth': 6, 'min_child_weight': 1, 'n_estimators': 100}

After optimization the scores for the train and test set are, respectively 0.998 and 0.99.