Scraping and generating an hotel database of France’s best destinations

1 minute read

The goal of the project is to obtain data on different french cities and travel destination that can be potentially implemented in a recommendation app. The application should be based on real data about:

  • Weather
  • Hotels in the area

See on Github

More specifically we are required to:

  • Scrape data from destinations
  • Get weather data from each destination
  • Get hotels’ info about each destination
  • Store all the information above in a data lake
  • Extract, transform and load cleaned data from your datalake to a data warehouse

The destinations were chosen from the list of 35 best destinations in France published by One Week In .

Get weather data with an API

  • Coordinates are obtained using
  • Weather data is obtained from
  • The best destinations are based on the weekly average perceived temperature


Scrapy is used to scrape the following info from

  • hotel name,
  • Url to its page,
  • Its coordinates: latitude and longitude
  • Score given by the website users
  • Stars
  • Address
  • Text description of the hotel

The raw scraped data is available in the scrp folder.

Data display

The data is displayed on an interactive map creates with Plotly. In the graph below the weather forecast and average perceived temperature for each location It is also possible to only visualize the top five destinations (as per highest average perceived temperature).

In the floowing graph, one can display the top 20 hotels at each destination. The destinations can be chosen from the selection bar. The map shows the name, number of stars, and rating for each hotel.


All the information is saved as .csv files (see data) and uploaded in an S3 bucket. An SQL Database is created on AWS RDS.